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Investment anaysis of waste radiators recycling

Time:2022-07-28 Views:148
Investment anaysis of waste radiators recycling

With continuous improvement of people‘s living standards, air conditioners have become popular in daily life. Same time,upgrading is inevitable.

Therefore,Recycling waste radiators to obtain copper and aluminum become good business for businessman.Then some one may ask the profit problems.

To understand the recycling profit fully, analysis starts from these two aspects: one is investment cost, secondly is the profit from the sale of the extracted copper and aluminum metals.

For 4ton/hour radiator shredder recycling equipment for example, let us count the related cost and profit.

1. Investing cost.

1. The business cost of taking copper and aluminum from the air conditioner radiator

1)  waste air conditioner radiators cost:
  36,000 yuan/ton; then 4*36,000 equals 144,000 yuan;

2) Power consumption: 1 yuan/kWh; then 62kw/h*8h*1 equals 196 yuan

3) Workers: 150 yuan/day; then 2 (person) * 150 yuan/day equals  300 yuan
4) Total cost: 144000 plus196 plus 300 equals 144496 yuan

2. Profits

(Generally, copper accounts for 55%, aluminum accounts for 45%, and different radiators have different proportions of copper and aluminum)

1) Copper selling price: 60,000 yuan/ton, then: 4t*55%*60,000 yuan/ton equals 132,000 yuan;

2) Aluminum selling price: 19,800 yuan/ton, then: 4t*45%*19,800 yuan/ton equals 356,400 yuan;
3) Profit: 132000 plus 356400 equals 488400 yuan

Daily total profit equals daily income minus  daily cost equals 488400 equals 144496 equals 343904 yuan

Note: The selling price of final copper and aluminum will change, and everything is subject to the unit price of the day.

According to regional differences, the price of waste radiators and the sale price of recycled copper, aluminum and other metals will have some changes, besides,
separation equipment also affects final profit margin.So it is very important to choose one efficently scrap radiator shredder and recycling equipment.

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