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Type of garbage-industrial waste removal

Time:2021-12-29 Views:198
Waste classification is a general term for a series of activities that classify, store and classify wastes according to certain standards, and convert them into public resources.The basic classficaition of Waste is as follows:

1. Recyclable
It mainly includes five types ,that is ,waste paper, plastic, glass, metal and cloth.
Waste paper: mainly includes newspapers, periodicals, books, various packaging papers, etc. However, it should be noted that paper towels and toilet paper are too strong to be recycled due to their water solubility.
Plastic: all kinds of plastic bags, plastic foam, plastic packaging, disposable plastic lunch box tableware, hard plastic, plastic toothbrush, plastic cup, mineral water bottle, etc.
Glass: Mainly includes various glass bottles, broken glass pieces, mirrors, thermos bottles, etc.
Metal: mainly includes canned food, canned food, etc.
Fabric: Mainly include used clothes, tablecloths, face towels, school bags, shoes, etc.

These wastes can be recycled through comprehensive treatment, which can reduce pollution and save resources. 

(Removal and transportation of industrial waste) If you recycle 1 ton of waste paper, you can produce 850 kg paper, save 300 kg wood, and reduce pollution by 74% compared with the same number of products; 
For every 1 ton plastic beverage bottles recycled, you can get 0.7 tons Secondary raw materials;  and for 1 ton scrap steel,0.9 tons of steel can be refined ,which saves 47% compared with ore smelting, reduces air pollution by 75%, and reduces water pollution and solid waste by 97%.

Kitchen garbage includes food residues such as leftovers, bones, vegetable roots and peels.
These wastes are processed by biotechnology on site, It will produce 0.6 to 0.7 tons organic fertilizer per ton.

3. Other garbage
In addition to the above types of garbage, Bricks, ceramics, muck, toilet paper, paper towels, shells and dust. , are difficult to recycle.

In fact, the big bones are classified as "other rubbish" because they are "difficult to corrode." Corn kernels, nut shells, fruit cores, chicken bones, etc. are kitchen garbage.

4. Toilet paper
Toilet paper which dissolve in water  are not considered "paper", Similar to pottery and cigarette case.

5. Kitchen garbage bags
Common plastic bags are more difficult to corrode than kitchen garbage,even if they are degradable. While the plastic bag itself is recyclable. 
The correct approach should be to dump the kitchen garbage into the trash can, and then throw the plastic bags into the "recyclable trash" bin.

In the garbage classification, the symbol of "fruit shell melon skin" is peanut shell, which is indeed kitchen garbage. Residual waste cooking oil used in the home is also classified as "kitchen garbage."
In the garbage classification, dust belongs to "other garbage", but fallen leaves belong to "kitchen garbage", including flowers that have been defeated at home.

6. Toxic and harmful garbage

Heavy metals and toxic substances inlcude Including batteries, fluorescent tubes, light bulbs, mercury thermometers, paint buckets, some home appliances, expired medicines, expired cosmetics. 
They are harmful to human health, or pose real or potential hazards to the environment. These wastes are usually treated separately or landfilled.
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