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Aluminum plastic recycling machine

waste aluminum plastic panel peeler machine
  • waste aluminum plastic panel peeler machine
  • waste aluminum plastic panel peeler machine
  • waste aluminum plastic panel peeler machine

waste aluminum plastic panel peeler machine

Name: peeling type waste aluminum plastic panel separator machine
Capacity : 4 Ton 8 hour
Directly stripping separating Aluminum plate/alu plastic panel sheet
Feature is automatic , no need crushing,100% aluminum plastic separation rate. high invest return rate.
    Introduction of Aluminium plastic panel peeling equipment:
    -It can process waste acp board with width <=45cm.

    High efficiency, we use the principle of automatic pressure-sensing biaxial pulling. Its efficiency is more than 5 times that of the traditional fired peeling.
    Save 5 times labor: This device requires only 2 ordinary female workers to operate, and a worker can learn very well only after 1 hour study.Safe and reliable: Our feed inlet is only 8mm wide and will never hurt Your fingers.
    Work intensity is 10 times lower: Our equipment is completely drivenby mechanical strength. People do not need to make any effort at all. 
    Even if two female workers easily work 8 hours a day, they can peel off  3 tons of aluminum-plastic panel.

    Pictures of Aluminium plastic panel peeling machine.

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